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[비지니스영어/Business english] 미팅시 유용한 표현 본문

English/Business 영어

[비지니스영어/Business english] 미팅시 유용한 표현

StopHyun 2018. 6. 17. 20:31

유용한 시작멘트

1. Today's topic ~~

2. My main topic for today's talk is ~~~

3. Thank you for the kind introduction, Tim

4. We'll take it from here: 여기서 부터 우리가 얘기를 하겠습니다.

 Ex) Jonathan, thank you for sharing the agenda about the improvement initiative. We'll take it from here to talk about, in terms of O&S, what we can do to find out improvement action items.

5. Have you ever wondered ~~ ?

6. Many people think that ~:  많은 사람들이 ~~라고 생각하지만 

7. Imagine this, picture this(. 시각적인 요소) : 상상해 보세요. 

[유용한 회의시 표현들]

[Preparing a meeting]

Did you reserve a meeting room?

Where is the meeting?

Where is the meeting held?


I need Jonathan to keep an eye on the list of ServiceNow for SK. : 너가 ~예의주시 해주길 바래

I won't let you down: ~을 실망시키지 않겠다.

I would not be asking/emphasizing if it wasn't important: 이게 중요하지 않았더라면 너에게 부탁하지도 않았을거야.

It doesn't make sense anymore: 말이 안되, 나는 이해가 되지 않아.

Even if I could explain it well to a customer, would the customer ever understand it? : 내가 그것을 잘 설명하더라도, 고객들이 과연 이해를 할까?

Cases like this remind us of why we need to figure out: 이런 것들이 바로 우리가 찾아내야 하는 이유지.

1. Shall we get started?

2. It's time we get down to the business 

3. First of all, I would like to welcome our guest.

4. Firstly, I'd like to thank you all for coming.

5. Has everyone read the minutes of the last meeting?


 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-xno8SZWFc
