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[퇴직(farewell) 안내] Business 영어/이메일 본문

English/Business 영어

[퇴직(farewell) 안내] Business 영어/이메일

StopHyun 2018. 3. 31. 10:20

누구나 한번쯤 직장을 옮기게 됩니다. 함께 고생했던 동료들에게 남기는 마지막 이메일은 꼭 써야하는 절차 입니다. 아래를 보시면서 어떻게 고마운 마음과 아쉬운 마음을 동료들에게 표현하는지 한번 살펴보도록 하겠습니다.

Dear team,


As you all may know that today is my last working day in ABC Company and have come to a decision to take a new career. I would like to thank the entire team sincerely for all the great times which we all spent together in our project, for the past few years. Thanks for your support and friendship. Individually, you have all been an inspiration to me, and I have learned a lot of things from all of you, and will take with me wonderful memories of my time with you. I hope to see you achieve greater success in the times ahead and wish the very best to you all. It will always be my pleasure to be in touch with you. 

My contact details are:

Phone No. +82 10 123-4567

E-mail address. singasongit@happy.com. 

From my deepest, thank you.

Yours sincerely,

위에 글이 꼭 정답은 아니지만 참고하셔서 표현하시면 좋을 것 같습니다. 퇴직 안내/공유를 위한 Business 영어 이메일 이였습니다.

이 글이 도움이 되셨으면, 아래의 클릭을 통해 커피 한잔 후원 부탁드립니다^^

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